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Toolbox talks

A 'toolbox talk' is a short presentation to the workforce on a single aspect of health and safety.

We prepare toolbox talks to save you the time and effort of writing them yourself. They may be in PowerPoint, portable document format (pdf) or as video.


  • Health and Safety Induction Pack (PDF) [1] - for smaller construction companies. This presentation has been prepared by Site Safe Scotland with assistance from the construction industry, WWT Campaign and HSE. The slides and speaker notes in this presentation are designed for a short (1/2 to 2 hour) induction session for workers arriving on site.

Construction toolbox talks include:

Busy builder

Link URLs in this page

  1. Health and Safety Induction Pack
  2. Falls from vehicles – toolbox talk for construction workers
  3. Safe use of ladders and stepladders
  4. Welfare
  5. Roof work
  6. Manual Handling
  7. Running a small construction site
  8. Managing health and safety in construction - L153
  9. A quick guide for clients on CDM 2015 - INDG411
  10. Construction Phase Plan (CDM 2015) - CIS80
  11. Notification of construction project (F10)
  12. Legislation: CDM Regulations 2015
  13. CITB: CDM guidance and construction phase plan app
  14. Planning Portal: online planning application and building control information
  15. Working in Great Britain from overseas
  16. Safety bulletins

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Updated 2022-08-10