Lists of the biocidal products approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations (COPR) for the Great Britain and Northern Ireland markets.
COPR approved biocidal products
- Microsoft Excel, 1290KB
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- select the list for Great Britain or Northern Ireland
- read the definitions for the user categories and approval statuses
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The lists provide the following details for each authorised product:
- product name
- marketing company
- HSE number
- approval status
- expiry dates for advertisement, sale, supply, storage, use and disposal
- active substance name
- active substance CAS number (Chemical Abstracts Service)
- active substance EC number
- active substance concentration
- product type
- user category
- target organism
- use area
- formulation type
- application method
- application rate
- pack sizes
- user category risk mitigation measures
Approvals 2004 to 2015
You can also find details of products that have been approved or amended under COPR between May 2004 and November 2015 in pdf format on The National Archives website.
Approvals pre-May 2004
For details of products approved before May 2004, please contact us.