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7. Put your plan into action

Once you have written your management plan, you must take the right steps to put it into action. This will include deciding if work must be done by a licensed contractor.

Managing asbestos left in place

If you decide to leave asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), or presumed ACMs, in good condition in place:

  • include this in your asbestos register
  • keep this information up to date through regular condition checks

You must make sure that everyone who needs to know about the asbestos is told where it is. This includes in-house maintenance workers and external contractors. There is more information on sharing your plan with workers[9].

You can then ensure precautions are in place to prevent exposure.

Your asbestos register[10] should include areas not inspected as these must be presumed to contain ACMs. It will be necessary to have these areas surveyed before any work takes place.

It can prevent confusion if you note the location of any non-asbestos material that could be mistaken for asbestos.

Anyone who may work on asbestos must be appropriately trained and use safe working methods. Implementing a permit-to-work system can help ensure this. There is more information on training for work involving asbestos[11].

Repair and removal of asbestos

Asbestos should be repaired, sealed, enclosed or removed using people with the right training. If you are unsure, seek specialist advice from an asbestos surveyor, asbestos consultant or licensed contractor.

To prevent further damage, some damaged asbestos can be made safe by repairing it and either:

  • sealing it
  • enclosing it

If this can be done safely, mark the area after it has been repaired and make sure it is on your asbestos register.

If asbestos is likely to be disturbed during routine maintenance work or daily use of the building, it should be protected or removed.

If an ACM cannot be easily repaired or protected without disturbing it, you should have it removed.

This work must be carried out by someone trained and competent, either a contractor licensed by HSE or trained to work with asbestos as non-licensed work.

Deciding if work must be done by a licensed contractor

The following guidance on licensing will help you understand what is required and decide if work is:

  • licensable
  • notifiable non-licensed
  • non-licensed

Licensable work

Putting your management plan into action includes deciding what work needs a licensed contractor.

Examples of licensed asbestos work

The following types of work require a licensed contractor:

  • any work on sprayed asbestos
  • most repair or any removal of asbestos insulation, for example lagging on pipes and vessels for thermal insulation
  • most work on asbestos insulating boards (AIB), such as removal of partition walls, linings, and suspended ceilings

HSE's publication Asbestos: The licensed contractors' guide[12] explains safe work practices.

Actions for planned work by a licensed contractor

Licensed work can be disruptive and needs careful planning. Work with your contractor to identify their needs so they can work safely.

Under the Control of Asbestos Regulations[13], there is a 14-day notification period before work can begin.

The contractor's detailed method statement, also known as a plan of work, should cover all health and safety risks, not just asbestos.

Find a licensed asbestos contractor[14]

HSE strongly recommends that the analyst for site clearance certification is independently sourced and employed by the building owner or building client in control of the premises.

You must use United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) accredited contractors and testing laboratories[15].

There is guidance on managing asbestos contractors and analytical laboratories in A comprehensive guide to managing asbestos in premises[16].

More information on asbestos licensing[17]

Notifiable non-licensed work

All non-licensed work needs to be carried out with the appropriate controls in place. However, for some types of work, employers must meet additional requirements.

This is known as notifiable non-licensed work, and requires employers to:

  • notify work with asbestos to the relevant enforcing authority
  • designate the area where the work is being done
  • ensure medical examinations are carried out
  • maintain employee health records

More information on notifiable non-licensed work[18]. This includes guidance on which enforcing authority to notify, based on the type of premises and activity.

Non-licensed work

Some work can be done on asbestos without a licence or notification. This includes:

  • painting/repainting AIB
  • drilling of textured decorative coatings for installation of fixtures or fittings
  • encapsulation and sealing-in work on ACMs that are in good condition

You should employ a contractor who is trained to undertake non-licensed asbestos work using methods like those in the Asbestos essentials task sheets[19].

More information on non-licensed work[20]

Link URLs in this page

  1. Overview
  2. Check if you have the duty to manage asbestos
  3. Find out if asbestos could be present in your building
  4. Arrange an asbestos survey
  5. Make a register and assess the risk
  6. Write your asbestos management plan and monitor it
  7. Provide information to anyone who might disturb asbestos
  8. Examples of how asbestos risks can be managed
  9. sharing your plan with workers
  10. asbestos register
  11. training for work involving asbestos
  12. Asbestos: The licensed contractors' guide
  13. Control of Asbestos Regulations
  14. Find a licensed asbestos contractor
  15. United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) accredited contractors and testing laboratories
  16. A comprehensive guide to managing asbestos in premises
  17. More information on asbestos licensing
  18. More information on notifiable non-licensed work
  19. Asbestos essentials task sheets
  20. More information on non-licensed work
  21. Previous page Write your asbestos management plan and monitor it
  22. Nextpage Provide information to anyone who might disturb asbestos
  23. View a printable version of the whole guide
  24. Control of Asbestos Regulations
  25. Introduction to asbestos safety

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