Reg 2 - Interpretation
A new establishment is an establishment that is constructed or enters into operation on or after 1 June 2015. A new establishment can also be a current establishment that changes tier due to modifications leading to a change in inventory on or after 1 June 2015, or a non COMAH site of operation which becomes a COMAH establishment due to an increase or other change in its inventory of dangerous substances.
An existing establishment is an establishment that was a Lower or Upper Tier site under the COMAH 1999 Regulations and continues to be a COMAH site at the same tier on 1 June 2015.
An other establishment is an establishment that was a Lower or Top Tier establishment under the COMAH 1999 Regulations but which changed tier after 1 June 2015, or a non COMAH site that become subject to the Regulations after the same date due to the change in the classification system from CHIP to CLP or because of a change in the CLP classification of an individual substance.
The crucial difference with an "other" establishment is that the change of tier of an establishment, or the coming into scope of a non COMAH site is because of changes outside of the control of the operator, and not linked to a change in inventory, process or activity. Other establishments will have longer to produce emergency plans and Safety Reports to reflect the nature of this change.
Further information on types of establishments can be found in Appendix 1 to L111[1].
COMAH Regulations 2015 reference – 2(1)
Possibly, yes. The intention of the Directive and the Regulations is that anticipated presence can affect a site's COMAH status. This is because determining application of the Regulations to an establishment is intended to reflect the hazard that it is capable of posing to people and to the environment.
Reasonable to foresee is a concept in GB law. It covers a range of possibilities, but cannot be described by a fixed level of likelihood. GB law considers that it means something that an average person believes could or might happen.
Operators should consider what loss of control scenarios are possible before considering whether or not they are 'reasonable to foresee', this may include thinking about a scenario's magnitude and potential effects, as well as the probability of it occurring. They may also seek advice from their COMAH Intervention Manager, although the onus remains on the duty-holder. If your site is not already in scope of COMAH, operators can contact the Competent Authority through the usual channels.
It must be acknowledged and accepted that there has to be an element of judgement involved in this consideration. This means that different conclusions may be reached in similar but different circumstances – this is legitimate and should not be viewed as inconsistency.
The L111 Guidance to the Regulations gives examples of process and storage scenarios that should be considered. Operators may choose to identify all possible scenarios then determine which of those it is reasonable to foresee. or example, when storing large quantities of two substances, which when mixed together could produce a noxious gas, consideration of proximity to each other of stored material, method of storage (eg large single volumes versus multiple small packages) and other relevant factors, could result in different conclusions.
Considerations will vary from site to site, and operators may wish to seek an opinion on their individual circumstance with their COMAH Intervention Manager. This may not always be a straightforward task but existing risk assessments produced under other Health and Safety legislation could be used as a starting point.
Operators may find it useful to seek the views of their COMAH Intervention Manager on how to carry out the task of identifying scenarios in which a loss of control is reasonable to foresee. Where a COMAH Intervention Manager provides any advice they will do so by taking into account the individual circumstances of the operator's establishment.
Reg 3 - Application and Exceptions
The inventory of a pipeline within the boundary of an establishment must be included in the calculation to determine application of the Regulations. Any quantity of dangerous substances in a pipeline outside the establishment can be excluded.
If you are already operating a COMAH establishment you should check the new Regulations and the accompanying legal guidance (link) to ensure that you are aware of changes between COMAH 1999 and COMAH 2015. All establishments will need to notify by 1 June 2016, ensure that their inventory of dangerous substances is expressed in CLP terms and comply with the new public information requirements. Upper tier establishments will need to consider what amendments are required to their safety reports. Although the changes between the two sets of Regulations have been kept to the minimum possible there are new and revised duties that all operators need to familiarise themselves with. Existing COMAH operators should already have been contacted advising them of what they need to do to comply with the new requirements, any existing establishments that haven't been contacted should speak to their COMAH Intervention Manager.
Article 4 of the Directive outlines a process for the European Commission to assess substances that may not have major accident hazard potential against set criteria. The criteria sets a very high standard that it should be impossible in practice to for a dangerous substance to create a major accident. A request or notification to review a substance will be submitted by a Member State but normally triggered by an industry or trade association. If the Commission thinks that the proposal is justified it can make a legislative proposal to the European Council and Parliament for the substance to be excluded from the scope of the Directive. Any proposal will be voted through the Qualified Majority Voting system. There is no scope in the Directive for an individual Member State to exclude a substance from scope unilaterally, bypassing this process. As any proposal to exclude a substance would need to go through the legislative process support from other Member States will be required.
The Article has not been transposed into national legislation as it does not place a duty on the Member State, the duty is on the Commission to assess any notification received. Any industry or trade association who think they have a substance that should be considered for exemption should contact the Competent Authority to open discussions with a view to developing a proposal, where appropriate.
Waste or waste products collected for reprocessing may come within the scope of COMAH where it is likely to possess equivalent properties to dangerous substances in terms of major accident potential. Note 5 of Part 3 of Schedule 1 to COMAH requires that in this situation it should be provisionally assigned to the most analogous CLP category.
COMAH Regulations 2015 reference – Schedule 1 (Note 5)
Yes they may, however there are two exceptions. First, hazards creating by ionising radiation originating from substances are excluded. Secondly, substances that create a hazard from ionising radiation but have other dangerous properties of the types listed in Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the regulations are excluded from scope if present on a licensed nuclear site. If a licensed nuclear site is in scope of these Regulations then its Competent Authority will be the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and the appropriate environmental agency.
COMAH Regulations 2015 reference – 3(2)(b) and (c)
Reg 6 - Notifications
Companies have a duty to classify the dangerous substances they use or store and to consider whether COMAH applies to their establishment and whether any changes to a substance's classification affects that. If a reclassification leads to a change in tier companies should complete a notification form with the appropriate information and comply with the relevant duties. The notification form[3] can be found on HSE's website.
COMAH Regulations 2015 reference – 6(6)
Reg 9 - Requirements relating to the preparation of safety reports
Reg 12 - Preparation, review and testing of internal emergency plans
Reg 14 - Review and testing of external emergency plans
Reg 17 - Provision of information to the public
There is no requirement under these Regulations for a public register. Any information currently held on the public register under COMAH 1999 will be removed and disposed of appropriately. The requirement to make certain information permanently and electronically available to the public is not a direct replacement for the public register.
Reg 18 - Provision of information to persons likely to be affected by a major accident at an upper tier establishment
No. Whilst a good starting point the information provided under Regulation 17 will not be sufficient to meet the requirements of 'PIZ information'. Due to its specific nature PIZ information should be tailored to include relevant information not required by the general public such as specific actions to take in the event of major accident.
COMAH Regulations 2015 reference – 18(1) and (3)
Reg 19 - Provision of information pursuant to a request
The regulations that cover the release of environmental information provide exceptions under which release of information in certain circumstance may be refused. This includes where the information has implications for national security or commercial confidentiality.
Operators should inform the Competent Authority at the time of providing information of anything that they do not think should be made available on request. This will not be considered by the Competent Authority at the time of receipt but will be taken into consideration if a request for information is received.
COMAH Regulations 2015 reference – 19(1) and (2)
Yes, and this guidance will have input from other parts of government concerning national security. Operators who have contact with NaCTSO officers should continue to discuss this topic with them.
Reg 24 - Domino effects and domino groups
Schedule 1 - Dangerous Substances
The substances listed in entry 33 of Part 2 as named carcinogens should be aggregated in the same way as any other named substances; grouping the relevant hazard classifications and using the thresholds in Part 2. The difference, as this is a list of different substances, is that an establishment holding more than one substance from this list may need to include them in different calculations.
For example - 2-naphthylamine has the classification of Hazardous to the Aquatic Environment Chronic Category 2 and should therefore be aggregated with any other dangerous substances falling within the Environmental (E) hazard group, whereas dimethyl sulphate is Acute Toxic Category 2 and should therefore be aggregated with any other dangerous substances falling within the Health (H) hazard group.
The named carcinogens can also be added together to determine applicability of the Regulations regardless of hazard classifications, for example a site hold 0.3tn of - 2-naphthylamine and 0.2tn of dimethyl sulphate would be in scope of these Regulations at Lower Tier on the basis of meeting the 0.5tn threshold despite the substances having different hazard classifications.
Such substances should not be included in any aggregation calculations.
To qualify as an alternative fuel a substance must be destined for use as fuel and show similar hazard properties to the other petroleum products in entry 34 which would typically be classification as a as "flammable liquid" and/or as "hazardous to the environment chronic 2". Substances that have a higher flammability or are more hazardous to the environment cannot qualify as alternative fuel.
This definition would suggest that alternative fuels must be liquid since gases and solids would have different properties as regards to flammability. Fuels that consist of substances named in part 2 of Annex I (eg methanol) and mixtures thereof (if remaining within the concentration limits set according to the properties of methanol under the CLP Regulation) cannot qualify as alternative fuel because, where a substance can qualify for more than one specific named substance entry, the one with the lowest thresholds shall apply.
Yes the Regulations would apply. The total quantity would need to be determined, the size of the storage would not be relevant in determining application of the Regulations.
A risk assessment will be required to determine whether or not the dangerous substance could initiate a major accident elsewhere on the establishment. This assessment could include factors such as the hazardous properties of the substances involved, the potential major hazard scenarios, mitigation measures and separation distances. As this assessment will continue a significant number of variables, there are no fixed separation distances.