RR921 - Occupational Health Provision on the Olympic Park and Athletes' Village: Final report

The research examines the occupational health provision on the Olympic Park and Athletes' Village. The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) set up a comprehensive occupational health service offering free support and advice to all contractors from a multi-disciplinary occupational health team.

The aim of the research was to identify the impact of the occupational health interventions on the attitudes, behaviours and exposures to health risks of people on site and the influence on future behaviours of contractors and workers on the project.

More specifically, this research project sought to explore in more detail the extent to which the ODA's aim was met for its occupational health intervention model and practice on site to represent best practice; and whether the model was consistent with cost-benefit evidence from similar interventions elsewhere.

The research involved analysing data collected by the occupational health provider about their work as well as views of managers and workers on site (through face to face interviews and surveys) and interviews with a range of external stakeholders (for example from the construction industry, occupational health profession and HSE inspectors working on the site).

The context for the research is a strong public commitment to safety from the ODA resulting in a remarkably good safety record that was recognised in the form of a five star award for safety from the British Safety Council.

This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the ODA. Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.

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Updated 2021-04-23