RR715 - Installation permitting guidance for hydrogen and fuel cell stationary applications: UK version
The HYPER project, a specific targeted research project (STREP) funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme, developed an Installation Permitting Guide (IPG) for hydrogen and fuel cell stationary applications. The IPG was developed in response to the growing need for guidance to foster the use and facilitate installation of these systems in Europe. This document presents a modified version of the IPG specifically intended for the UK market. For example reference is made to UK national regulations, standards and practices when appropriate, as opposed to European ones.
The IPG applies to stationary systems fuelled by hydrogen, incorporating fuel cell devices with net electrical output of up to 10 kWel and with total power outputs of the order of 50 kW (combined heat + electrical) suitable for small back up power supplies, residential heating, combined heat-power (CHP) and small storage systems. Many of the guidelines appropriate for these small systems will also apply to systems up to 100 kWel, which will serve small communities or groups of households. The document is not a standard, but is a compendium of useful information for a variety of users with a role in installing these systems, including design engineers, manufacturers, architects, installers, operators/maintenance workers and regulators.
Update November 2023
This report was published in 2009. Some of the information in the introductory section 2.3 relating to hydrogen viscosity and the potential for possible leaks from hydrogen systems has been superseded by the information in Research Report RR1169 (2022)[12] ‘Hydrogen in the natural gas distribution network: Preliminary analysis of gas release and dispersion behaviour’. The superseded information does not affect the scientific information in the rest of this report. It has not affected any evidence assessment by HSE on using hydrogen including for heating. The Government's Hydrogen Strategy[13] was published in August 2021.
This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.
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