RR1125 - Hazardous substances at work: Findings from focus groups assessing operational staff's, dutyholders' and consultants' perceptions of COSHH, CLAW and DSEAR

Three domestic regulations set out employers' responsibilities in Great Britain to protect the health and safety of their workforce from exposure to hazardous substances.  These are: The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH); The Control of Lead at Work Regulations (CLAW); and The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR).

The Health and Safety Executive undertook an evidence gathering exercise to review these regulations to explore how risk management of hazardous substances at work could be simplified whilst maintaining standards of protection.

This report details the findings from a series of focus groups which explored operational staff's, dutyholders' and consultants' perceptions and experiences of COSHH, CLAW and DSEAR. Overall the regulations are seen as relevant, required, fit for purpose, and supportive of the occupational safety and health (OSH) of employees.  Any changes to regulations should include guidance to ensure dutyholders understand how they should comply with the regulations.

Visit the RR1125 report (PDF) [12]

A related report, which analyses the responses to an on-line survey about dutyholders', employees' and employers' experiences of COSHH CLAW and DSEAR, can be found below.

Visit the RR1124 report (PDF) [13]

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Updated 2023-12-12