RR1066 - The use and non-use of seat belts in the operation of forward tipping dumpers
In the event of a forward tipping dumper (FTD) overturning, the operator will be protected from death and serious injury by wearing their seat belt. The seat belt works in combination with the roll over protection system (ROPS) to keep the operator in their seat, preventing them being crushed by the machine.
Unfortunately, a proportion of operators choose to operate FTDs without wearing a seat belt and thus increasing their risk of death or serious injury should the machine overturn. Using semi-structured interviews to gauge the opinions of trainers, original equipment manufacturers, seat and seat belt manufacturers and FTD operators, this research aimed to better understand the reasons why FTD operators choose not to wear their seat belt when operating their machines.
The research also explored potential solutions that would encourage operators to wear their seat belt more, including possible design control measures such as immobilisation technology, alternative designs of seats and seat belts, and of the overall FTD machine.
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