RR1054 Evaluation of trends in RIDDOR reportable injury data reported to HSE by dutyholders pre- and post-change to over-7-day reporting

HSE commissioned a statistical study to look into the accuracy and extent of the information reported to HSE by employers via RIDDOR. Based on a sample of employer notifications of non-fatal injuries made during the first half of 2012, the injured person in each case was contacted about the injury, and their view on the incident and outcome compared to the employer report. Results were aggregated, so individual employee responses could not be identified.

The study responds to several aims. Firstly, as HSE publishes many RIDDOR statistics based on employer reports, it helps provide a fuller understanding of possible limitations in the data provided by the employer, compared to the injured person themselves. Secondly, there was legal change to RIDDOR in April 2012, whereby the reporting threshold for incapacitation changed from over 3 days to over 7 days. Thirdly, each respondent was asked to provide the actual number of days off work as a result of the injury (RIDDOR does not require this).

HSE statisticians will use the findings of this study, for example to provide contextual information when providing users with statistics, or in support of European statistics developments.

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Updated 2023-12-12