- Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017. Approved Code of Practice
- Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2019. Approved Code of Practice
Ionising Radiation Protection Series information sheets
- No. 1 - Industrial radiography - managing radiation risks
- No. 6 - Radiation protection supervisors
- No. 8 - Control of radioactive substances
- Appropriate designation of classified persons
- Dose constraints for comforters and carers - research report
- Information to accompany patients undergoing nuclear medicine procedures – research report
- Doses to the embryo/foetus and neonate from intakes of radionuclides by the mother – research report
Other publications
- INDG334 Working safely with ionising radiation: guidelines for expectant or breastfeeding mothers
- Radon in the workplace
Health Protection Agency (HPA) , Radiation Protection Division's Living with radiation provides detailed information on all aspects of ionising and non-ionising radiation.
HPA has produced the publication Ionising radiation exposure of the UK population: 2005 review.
Health risks from radon outlines the main facts about radon and explains what policies and practical measures which can be used to control exposures.
Health Protection Agency (HPA), Radiation Protection Division's publications menu