Investigating accidents and incidents

A workbook for employers, unions, safety representatives and safety professionals

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Download a free copy - HSG245 (PDF) [1]

Every year people are killed or injured at work. Over 40 million working days are lost annually through work-related accidents and illnesses.

This workbook gives organisations the opportunity to find out what went wrong and identify risks they can easily avoid. Learning lessons and taking action may reduce, or even prevent, accidents in the future.

As a step-by-step guide, it will help all organisations to carry out their own health and safety investigations. Investigating accidents and incidents explains why you need to carry out investigations and takes you through each step of the process:

  • Gathering information
  • Analysing the information
  • Identifying risk control measures
  • The action plan and its implementation

Link URLs in this page

  1. Download a free copy - HSG245
  2. HSG65 - Successful health and safety management
  3. Workplace health, safety and welfare. Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
  4. L146 - Consulting workers on health and safety
  5. RIDDOR - report an incident at work
  6. Risk management
  7. Managing for health and safety
  8. HSE Books +44 (0)333 202 5070
  9. Translated leaflets
  10. Legislation
  11. Statistics
  12. Science and Research
  13. Subscribe - news and updates

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Updated: 2022-01-04