Managing printing safely
Health and safety doesn't have to be complicated. The links below will help guide you around the main health and safety topics and direct you to tools that exist that will help you comply with the law.
HSE has developed a website that outlines the basics for health and safety in any industry including issues such as risk assessment, health and safety policy statements and involving the workforce. The website is entitled "Health and safety basics for your business : The basics for your business".
In addition to the "Health and safety basics for your business " pages you may also find the links below helpful in putting in place arrangements for health and safety:
Health and safety policy statement
All employers should have plans in place to manage health and safety. If you employ five or more people the plans should be put down in writing in the form of a health and safety policy statement. There is a template and example policy statement on the "Health and safety basics for your business pages".
Risk assessment
In your workplace it is likely that your staff are doing tasks that will expose them to risks eg using equipment, machinery or working at height. As an employer you should look at work tasks and activities and decide who might be harmed and how and what measures you have in place to protect people. You should then assess whether you have done enough to stop people being harmed. This process is risk assessment. Where you have more than 4 employees the risk assessment should be written down.
The "Manage the risks to your business" section gives a good overview of risk management and risk assessment.
Worker involvement
Worker involvement is an important part of managing health and safety. Your workforce are often the best people to understand the risks and help find solutions. They can also tell you what solutions may not be working in the way you had planned. In addition to the information on the "Health and safety basics for your business site" the worker involvement pages also contain helpful information. Through worker involvement you can act together to reduce accidents and ill health within the workplace.