Musculoskeletal disorders
Manual handling at work
Manual handling overview[1]
Protect your workers from the risk of manual handling injuries in the workplace
Avoid hazardous manual handling[2]
Redesign the task to avoid moving the load by automating or mechanising
Assess manual handling[3]
Consider the task, the load, the working environment and individual capability
Reduce the risk of injury[4]
Provide mechanical help, change the task, load and environment, ensure people lift safely
Provide training about the risks from manual handling and how to avoid them
Manual handling - The law[6]
Find out more about the Manual Handling Operations Regulations
Working safely with display screen equipment
Simple guidance on DSE[7]
Protect your workers from health risks
Good posture[8]
Practical tips for employers and workers
Working from home[9]
Protect your home workers
Musculoskeletal disorders in detail
- Back pain[11]
- Lower limb disorders [13]
- Workers [15]
- Resources [17]
- Awards [18]
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