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Human-system interactions have frequently been identified as major contributors to poor operator performance.

More information on interfaces

  • Process plant control desks utilising human-computer interface: a guide to design, operational and human interface issues. Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association (EEMUA) Publication 201: 2002 available via EEMUA on 020 7628 7878 or
  • ISO 11064[1], Parts 1-7. Covers design principles, control room arrangements and layout, workstations, displays, controls, interactions, temperature, lighting, acoustics, ventilation, and evaluation. Designers should be following this standard for new control rooms, and it can usefully be referred to for upgrades and modifications to existing ones especially where there are known problems.
  • Human-system interface design review guidelines, NUREG-0700, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission[2]
    This large, detailed document addresses the physical and functional characteristics of human-system interfaces.

Link URLs in this page

  1. ISO 11064
  2. Human-system interface design review guidelines, NUREG-0700, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  3. Ventilation of kitchens and catering establishments
  4. Preventing exposure to carbon monoxide in commercial kitchens

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