Information relating to the Hillsborough Stadium incident 15 April 1989

Date released: 12/9/2012

On 12 September 2012 the Hillsborough Independent Panel (HIP) published government and other agency documents relating to the Hillsborough disaster in 1989 on the Hillsborough Independant Panel website. In 2010 HSE made a commitment to release all of the information it holds that relates to Hillsborough. HSE and HSL's primary role was to provide technical support to Lord Justice Taylor's investigation following the disaster, so the majority of the information released is of a technical nature (eg work undertaken to test barriers at the stadium etc).

Date released: 11/8/2005

Information released: following a request to release information about HSE reports submitted to the inquiry led by Lord Justice Taylor into the Hillsborough Stadium disaster on 15 April 1989, HSE released the following information:

Incident reports from HSE's Research and Laboratory Services Division (RLSD)

Field Consultant Group (FCG) Inspector reports produced by specialist inspectors from HSE's Technology Division (TD)

Please note that these documents have been scanned from photocopies. In some instances, particularly the FCG Inspector reports, photographs and other illustrations have not reproduced clearly.

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  14. IR/L/ME/MM/89/1 - The Hillsborough Incident 15 April 1989: An Investigation into Various Technical Aspects prepared for the Court of Inquiry. [1.3 Mb]
  15. IR/L/ME/MM/89/2 - The Hillsborough Incident 15 April 1989: A compendium of the technical aspects of the incident investigation by the Health and Safety Executive [180kb]
  16. IR/L/MM/89/11 - Examination of crush barriers from pens 3 and 4 [802kb]
  17. IR/L/ME/89/36 - Collapse load calculations for barrier 124A [695kb]
  18. IR/L/ME/89/32 - An investigation into the number of people in pens 3 and 4 [416kb]
  19. IR/L/ME/89/35 - An estimation of the maximum allowable capacities of pens 3 and 4 [316kb]
  20. IR/L/ME/89/33 - An investigation of the turnstiles at the Leppings Lane entrance to the stadium [441kb]
  21. IR/L/ME/89/34 - An investigation into the number of people entering the stadium through turnstiles A to G and through Gate C [328kb]
  22. IR/L/NV/89/17 - Audibility of the public address system at Hillsborough Football Ground [1.12Mb]
  23. Condition of outer perimeter wall [1Mb]
  24. Examination of turnstiles A-G [1Mb]
  25. Examination of crush barriers, Leppings Lane end, Central Pen [2.79Mb]
  26. Interim report on the measurement of crowd densities and pressures [117kb]
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Updated 2023-04-04