Electrical safety
Introduction to electrical safety[1]
How to assess electrical hazards and put the right controls in place
Work near electricity[2]
Advice on danger signs, wiring, cable colours and checking power is off
Excavation and underground services [3]
How to avoid accidents due to damaging underground electrical cables
Portable appliance testing (PAT) [4]
What ‘PAT testing’ is and what the law says about testing equipment
Overhead power lines[5]
Managing work near overhead power lines to avoid accidental contact
Work using electrically powered equipment[6]
How to check that electrical equipment is suitable and safe
Standards and codes of practice[7]
Commonly used electrical standards and approved codes of practice
Electricity in potentially explosive locations[8]
The supply and the use of equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres
Grid-scale battery energy storage systems[9]
Where health and safety law applies and HSE’s role
Guides on testing, construction, farms, excavation, overhead power lines and more
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