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COSHH Essentials

COSHH Essentials sets out basic advice on what to do to control exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace. It takes the form of straightforward advice in 'factsheets' called 'control guidance sheets'. There are two types of sheets, industry-specific 'direct advice sheets' and 'generic control guidance sheets'.

Direct advice sheets

First check the direct advice sheets[26] listed by industry to see if there are any direct advice sheets for tasks or processes in your industry.

COSHH e-tool

When using the COSHH e-tool[27] you will be prompted by questions to enter some basic information about the substance you are using, before being directed to the most appropriate generic control guidance sheet for you.

Link URLs in this page

  1. COSHH Essentials
  2. Overview - Direct advice sheets
  3. Agriculture (Farming)
  4. Flour (Bakers and millers)
  5. Metalworking fluids
  6. Microelectronics
  7. Motor Vehicle Repair
  8. Offshore
  9. Printing
  10. RPE
  11. Rubber
  12. Service & Retail
  13. Overview - Silica
  14. Brick and tile
  15. Ceramics
  16. Construction
  17. Foundry
  18. Manufacturing
  19. Quarries
  20. Stoneworkers
  21. Skin or eye contact
  22. Welding
  23. Woodworking
  24. Dichloromethane (DCM)
  25. Frequently asked questions
  26. direct advice sheets
  27. COSHH e-tool
  28. Why does COSHH essentials not list all of the R phrases/H statements that are on my Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
  29. I can't find my safety data sheet. What should I do?
  30. I have just completed COSHH essentials, is this sufficient to use as my COSHH assessment?
  31. Some of the information I need is missing from my safety data sheet. What should I do?
  32. There isn't a boiling point in the safety data sheet?
  33. Why can't I mix a liquid with a solid?

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Respiratory Protective Equipment

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