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Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH)

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The Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations ensuring that businesses:

"Take all necessary measures to prevent major accidents involving dangerous substances

Limit the consequences to people and the environment of any major accidents which do occur"

Who's responsible for COMAH regulations?[17]

How do COMAH regulations work?[18]

Operators: COMAH submissions

COMAH notifications[21]

COMAH establishments in your area

You can now search online for public information about establishments in your area[22] that are covered by the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations 2015.

COMAH establishments[23]

COMAH 2015: Regulation guidance

Further guidance[26]

Major accident examples

More major accidents[29]

Hazardous substances consent application

An online 'wizard' to guide applicants[30] through the required major-hazard information is available.

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Link URLs in this page

  1. COMAH
  2. Overview - Background
  3. Seveso III
  4. COMAH Regulations 2015
  5. Cost recovery in detail
  6. The COMAH Competent Authority
  7. Guidance
  8. Competent authority guidance and key internal CA procedures
  9. Notifications
  10. Submitting public information
  11. Establishments subject to COMAH 2015
  12. Emergency plan testing during coronavirus
  13. Resources
  14. Safety alerts
  15. Investigation reports
  16. Complete a short survey
  17. Who's responsible for COMAH regulations?
  18. How do COMAH regulations work?
  19. Operators of COMAH establishments required to notify under the new 2015 Regulations
  20. Operators submitting public information
  21. COMAH notifications
  22. public information about establishments in your area
  23. COMAH establishments
  24. COMAH Intervention Manager - user manual
  25. A guide to the COMAH Regulations 2015
  26. Further guidance
  27. Chevron Pembroke refinery (02/06/2011)
  28. Bhopal - Union Carbide (3/12/1984)
  29. More major accidents
  30. online 'wizard' to guide applicants

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Control of major accident hazards
Control of major accident hazards

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