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National Poisons Information Service - submitting information for mixtures placed on the GB market

NPIS update

As of 3 February 2022 the arrangements for making submissions to NPIS are under review. Therefore some information on this page is subject to change and will be updated if necessary.

You should note that different arrangements apply to businesses placing mixtures on the NI market. Further details are available on the GOV.UK[1] website.


The GB CLP Regulation places a duty on the Secretary of State and the Devolved Administrations of Scotland and Wales to appoint a body (known as a poison centre) to be responsible for receiving specific information from GB-based importers, downstream users and NI-based downstream users directly supplying the GB market, about the ingredients of hazardous mixtures that they place on the GB market. This information can be accessed by NHS and other healthcare professionals in cases of a health emergency following harmful exposure to those chemicals.

In Great Britain, the National Poisons Information Service (NPIS) is the appointed body. The NPIS is a service commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Devolved Administrations of Scotland and Wales. The NPIS is composed of four units located in Birmingham, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Newcastle.

The main role of the NPIS, is to advise healthcare professionals on the diagnosis, treatment and care of poisoned patients across the UK, to ensure the right treatment is given to the patient as quickly as possible in incidents of excessive, inappropriate or harmful exposure through any route.

NPIS does not receive calls from the general public.

Getting medical advice/attention

In an emergency following exposure to a chemical, the public should telephone 111 which is a free-to-call single non-emergency number medical helpline operating in England, in Scotland (NHS 24) and in Wales (NHS Direct Wales).

Submission of information for mixtures placed on the GB market

The current scheme of data collection from the chemical industry is voluntary, whereby the NPIS receives product safety information for all mixtures marketed in Great Britain, including pesticides, agrochemicals, biocides, veterinary products and detergents.

What and where should I send the information?

Details of what and how to submit information to NPIS can be found on the NPIS[2] website.

Information about EU CLP Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation

Further information concerning Annex VIII of the EU CLP Regulation.[3]

Link URLs in this page

  1. GOV.UK
  2. NPIS
  3. Further information concerning Annex VIII of the EU CLP Regulation.

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Updated: 2022-04-11