The SACGM Compendium of guidance

Guidance from the Scientific Advisory Committee on Genetic Modification

Since 1 October 2014, parts 1 and 3 of the guidance do not reflect the current Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 2014. Specific references to the legislation, operation of the safety committee and containment requirements in these parts need to be updated. Although legally correct, the opportunity will also be taken to amend the other parts of the guidance (parts 2, 4, 5 and 6) to take account of current working practices and technological advances.

This is guidance prepared, in consultation with HSE, by the SAGCM which was appointed by the Health and Safety Commission as part of its formal advisory structure. The guidance represents what is considered to be good practice by the members of the Committee. It has been agreed by the Commission. Following this guidance is not compulsory and you are free to take other action. But if you do follow this guidance you will normally be doing enough to comply with the law. Health and safety inspectors seek to secure compliance with the law and may refer to this guidance as illustrating good practice.

This document is available as a series of PDF files (viewable with Acrobat Reader) linked below.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Biosafety
  2. Safety notices
  3. Overview - The regulation of specified animal pathogens
  4. Background on the regulation of specified animal pathogens
  5. SAPO Application process
  6. How do I make my application?
  7. Notifying accidents and dangerous occurrence
  8. Guidance on Appeals for Notices issued under SAPO
  9. Overview - Infections at work
  10. Preventing infections at work
  11. HSE and infections
  12. Overview - Are you at risk?
  13. Laboratory work
  14. Healthcare
  15. Overview - Specific infections
  16. Overview - Influenza
  17. Avian influenza
  18. Pandemic influenza
  19. Workplace guidance
  20. Anthrax
  21. Zoonoses
  22. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
  23. Handling the deceased with suspected or confirmed COVID
  24. What the Law says about Biosafety
  25. Biosafety Resources
  26. Useful links
  27. Blood-borne viruses
  28. Overview - GMO
  29. What are GMOs?
  30. Who is responsible for GMO (CU) Regulations?
  31. GMOs and the law
  32. GMO Notifications
  33. What do I notify?
  34. How do I notify?
  35. Fees
  36. Appeals
  37. Confidentiality and disclosure of notified data
  38. Description of the Public Register
  39. Overview - Resources
  40. The SACGM Compendium of Guidance
  41. Risk assessment guidance
  42. Part 1: Introduction to the legislation and general health and safety issues
  43. Part 2: Risk assessment of genetically modified microorganisms (other than those associated with plants)
  44. Part 3: Containment and control of activities involving genetically modified microorganisms
  45. Part 4: Genetic modification work that involves plants (including plant-associated genetically modified microorganisms)
  46. Part 5: Genetic modification of animals
  47. Part 6: Guidance on the use of genetically modified microorganisms in a clinical setting
  48. List of abbreviations
  49. The Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 2014
  50. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
  51. Department of Health
  52. Food Standards Agency
  53. COSHH
  54. RIDDOR
  55. Skin
  56. Health and social care

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Genetically modified organisms

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Updated 2023-06-02