
  • About asthma[1]

    Substances that can cause asthma, symptoms, statistics, COSHH regulations

  • Advice for employers[2]

    What you can do to reduce the risk of occupational asthma in your workplace

  • Your trade[3]

    Top tips for jobs with high rates of asthma - baker, woodworker, welder, spray painter...

  • Case studies[4]

    Examples of how others have solved common problems

  • Publications[5]

    Printed resources for workers at risk of asthma

  • Useful links[6]

    Links to other organisations involved with asthma

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Link URLs in this page

  1. About asthma
  2. Advice for employers
  3. Your trade
  4. Case studies
  5. Publications
  6. Useful links

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