Working in Great Britain from overseas

Migrant workers microsite

Information and practical health and safety guidance to migrant workers and their employers in all industries. This site may also be useful to other government departments and non-governmental agencies active in this area eg the police, Local Authorities, trades unions, Citizens' Advice bureaux and faith groups. Some parts of the site are available in several languages.

Migrant workers microsite

Your health and safety at work in agriculture and food processing

This is a new pocket card aimed at migrant workers, also available in a number of languages. It provides basic and essential information on rights and responsibilities under British health and safety legislation.

HSE has produced this leaflet in partnership with Lantra, the TGWU, the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs (NFYFC), the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), the National Association of Agricultural Contractors (NAAC), Asda and the Home Office.

'Your health and safety at work in agriculture and food processing' pocket card

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